Class of 1970 News December 2019


Sincere apologies that this information was not included in the Commentary.

Martha Flowers Herbert writes that she visited Augusta Burn Center for the 4th anniversary of her burn and saw many of the folks involved in her recovery; her Burn surgeon, nurses from the ICU and others from the 2 floors of her extended stay.  她去看了她的治疗师,并能够见证和激励正在接受治疗的病人.  她说,对她来说,这是一个非常有意义的一天,她可以“炫耀”自己做得有多好,并能够向他们表示感谢,感谢他们对她的帮助.  玛莎最近拜访了盖尔和乔治·索耶,还和坎迪·斯科特·克雷文谈了谈.  She was at Lake Junaluska, 7月4日在北卡罗来纳举行的盛大的赫伯特家庭聚会…今年有35个家庭成员能够参加…来自加利福尼亚, 佛罗里达, 佛蒙特州, 德州, 维吉尼亚州, 马里兰格鲁吉亚, SC和NC. 她的卡车得到了“所有的第四节”,并参加了朱纳鲁斯卡游行……他们已经赢了好几次了!  巨大的家庭乐趣! 然后是一年一度的海滩旅行,15个亲戚挤在利奇菲尔德的一所大房子里.  Martha still quilts, and knocks around in her yard when it is not too hot. Her most fun quilt lately was a “sign in quilt” for her veterinarian’s wedding. Even her 4 dogs and Duncan, the cat “signed” their paw prints. It was made with alternating blocks of white, teal, and navy.  No regular sign in book for her!! Martha has been having fun with Violet….“我敢打赌,她和我做过一些事,你不会让她接触......沼泽冒险, 游行, 烧伤医院, the museum for our quilt show….stuff that would make Dean Mills flip!”. Martha says “See you in April!”

金妮·弗兰奇·莱尔斯 writes that It is hard to believe that we have a “milestone” reunion coming up. 她喜欢读盖尔去阿拉斯加旅行的故事,并说她很想加入“紫罗兰小姐”的行列。, Gayle and the others on that trip. 金妮很难适应《线上博彩平台排名》上线上博彩平台排名的新名字. 甚至她的女儿也评论说,当她在咖啡桌上看到它时,看起来很奇怪.

金妮怀念在哈茨维尔的生活,但也很喜欢和她在萨默维尔的两个孙子在一起, S.C. 她在他们的学校做志愿者,每周有2到3天去学校接他们.  They belong to Ginny’s daughter Sarah, who is a CPA and partner with Dixon, 休斯, 家长, LLP Accounting and Bookkeeping  in Charleston, SC. 她的孙子阿萨今年上七年级,在足球、篮球和棒球方面非常活跃.

Evie, Ginny’s granddaughter, is in the 5th grade this year. 她是b队啦啦队队长,在她哥哥的足球比赛中为他欢呼. She also plays hand bells and sings in the choir at her school. She also enjoys playing basketball. They both attend Pinewood Preparatory School in Summerville. Ginny retired from teaching in 2010 but really misses it. She’s even thought about going back. 她在哈茨维尔照顾她的公婆,直到他们在2012年和2013年去世. 然后她决定搬到萨默维尔,但经常去哈茨维尔打过敏针, doctor appointments and to visit family and friends. 她希望在2020年春天参加聚会,并期待着见到大家.

迈拉·卡托·科菲 随着 Connie White Boleman, 贝丝·艾布拉姆斯·琼斯, Nell Cutts Daniels, enjoyed a great week at Holden Beach in April. They missed Suzette and Lucy.  这已经成为他们每年的传统,然后秋天去黑山旅行.  实际上, 离开科克后,他们只有几年没有在一起过. 5月,迈拉和三个一生的朋友在伦敦和巴黎度过了10天. 他们喜欢去巨石阵、巴斯、温莎、多佛、加莱、凡尔赛和吉维尼旅行. It was a wonderful trip! Myra is looking forward to seeing everyone at our 50th Reunion!

Jane Brown Riechmanncomments that her son Rob, 他的妻子蒂娜, Jane and husband Mark visited San Francisco and Yosemite in early September.  While visiting Alcatraz, 简发现维奥莱特在那里被拘留了,因为她在一个工作日的晚上和哈茨维尔的哈利约会后很晚(晚上9点05分)才回到科克校园.  她把维奥莱特从恶魔岛“救”出来,陪他们去了优胜美地.  They all had a wonderful time.  The rest of her family (son Tim, 妻子凯特和女儿诺拉本应陪同他们“每隔一年”进行一次家庭旅行,但由于孙子即将出生,以及飓风多里安的路径不确定, those three remained home. So their big news is the birth of that grandson, Shepherd (Shep) Kelly Riechmann, 在周五, 9月20日, 2019.  At birth he was 8 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 inches.  到目前为止, big sister Nora does not seem too impressed! Looking forward to our 50th!  Jane has her 1K saved and ready.  Hope other classmates do as well.  How impressive it would be to have at least 25K to donate to Coker.

Judie (Cooper) Camak 在担任财务顾问和注册财务规划师30年后退休。, 从A开始.G. Edwards and ending at Stifel.  She loved every minute of it and will keep her CFP active.  现在她正在考虑长大后要做什么,她唯一知道的就是花时间陪她的孩子和孙子孙女, 工作的难题, 打高尔夫球,在野沙丘的房子里消磨时间……完全接受我们这些退休人员的建议.

Candee Constable Craven 斯科特和 Gayle Buckheister Sawyer 为了庆祝他们各自的50岁生日,乔治重新建立了长久以来的友谊th 在阿拉斯加和不列颠哥伦比亚省进行为期17天的陆地旅游和巡游, from Fairbanks to Vancouver. Traveling with two biology professors, 乔治(植物学)和斯科特(野生动物)感觉就像在大学教室里待了两个星期, 只有更好的! 畏首畏尾的人 去了,也.  请看八月的库克信,上面有一张坎迪、盖尔、维奥莱特和哈伯德冰川的照片. Our most exciting event?  旅行的第一天晚上,我们住的酒店的厨房就着火了,整整两天我们都不能拿回自己的房间和行李. Lesson learned:  Take a tooth brush, phone charger and hair spray when you leave the hotel for an excursion. Sorry, Dean Mills, we did the best we could.

Linda Smith Bradford and Gray 邀请 Gayle Buckheister Sawyer and George 分享 四天的交通博物馆之旅,和他们一起在北卡州和田纳西州乘坐历史火车.  George and Linda are connoisseurs of rail history.  “谁会想到呢?!亮点:与朋友一起踏上新的冒险之旅,乘坐历史悠久的火车, 在老式的电动和蒸汽发动机的牵引下,我们穿过了这两个州最美丽的河流和山脉. 畏首畏尾的人 去了,也. Look for pictures of Linda, Gayle and Violet in the next newsletter.

Where in the world is (Flat) 畏首畏尾的人?
Where are you going between now and our reunion?  展现出1970届50多年来的精神,带上萎缩的紫罗兰! 到目前为止, Violet has been in Hartsville—several times, North Carolina–three times, 田纳西州, Alaska and California.  你有没有浏览校友电子通讯的文章,发现维奥莱特和你的同学在旅行?  布伦达·斯图尔特的邮件里有一份可下载的维奥莱特副本,你可以放进你的行李箱里. The Coker 校友 website ( has a downloadable picture, as well.   如果你没有办法在家里或药店打印照片,请发邮件给Gayle Sawyer ( and she will snail mail an 8 x 10 picture to you for your trip.

校友50th Reunion Reminder for the Class of 1970, April 17 and 18, 2020
我们的委员会正在努力筹备我们一生一次、仅此一次的50周年聚会. Start making plans and we hope to have a wonderful turn out!

曼蒂萨酒店(843-917-0669)和汉普顿酒店(843-332-2128)已经为我们班预订了房间。. Ask for the Coker 校友 Class of ’70 group rate. Be sure to reserve a room before March 6.


Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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